© 2001  ENDANG TRI MARGAWATI                                                                         Posted 2 June 2001  [rudyct]  

Science Philosophy Student Paper (PPs 702)

Graduate School, Institut Pertanian Bogor




Prof Ir Rudy C Tarumingkeng, MF, PhD (Principal)

Prof Ir Zahrial Coto, MSc. PhD









P 04600013/PTK








          Nowadays, research in molecular biology has developed rapidly. It seems that molecular approaches with basic research in agriculture and medicine are interested to get more benefits in our lives. On this opportunity, Author presented a paper that relates to the molecular field with a topic of Contributions of Transgenic Animals to Human Welfare. The chosen topic may be too compromise for our regular community but this spectacular progress in the world is necessary to be followed for some reasons. 


This paper was composed merely on reference sources. As stated on the topic, this paper elucidated the basic understanding in transgenic animal with the methods of producing the transgenic animals and their applications in agriculture, medicine and industry. This paper is an individual paper as a part of tasks in attending a subject of Introduction to Philosophic Science (PPS 702).


I am deeply grateful to Professors Rudy C. Tarumingkeng, PhD and Zahrial Coto, PhD. for their knowledge given in our Science Phlilosophy. I also appreciate their valuable time in organizing the lectures and providing extra knowledge at different fields of Science through electronic mail. I hope this piece of work will give benefits to readers who have related interest in molecular biology.




                                                                   Bogor, 1st June 2001









    Since the discovery of DNA molecule structure by Watson and Crick  in 1953 study in molecular biology studies haves inceased greatly. Consequenly, molecular techniques have developed rapidly which involve DNA recombinant, genetic cloning and the analysis of gene expression. Combination of these techniques and transfer of recombinant genes into living cells of fertilized eggs will produce transgenic animals. Basically, there are three methods of producing transgenic animals, i.e  DNA microinjection, retrovirus-mediated gene transfer and embryonic stem cell-mediated gene transfer. Gene transfer by microinjection is a predominant method in producing transgenic farm animals.

    While on one hand argumentation on transgenic animals or transgenic products continue among the general community, on the other hand, their applications to human welfare should be considered as a positive contribution. The contribution mainly involves three areas i.e, agricultural, medical and industrial sectors. For examples: in animal farm breeding, producing transgenic animal can be focused on specific economic traits. Recently human proteins can be produced in the milk of transgenic sheep or cattle. In medical and industrial sectors, drugs and enzymes can be produced in a large scale from transgenic microorganisms or transgenic animals. More profound report was regarding transplant organs, called Xenotransplantation that can be supplied from transgenic animal models. Extraordinary finding was gene therapy in very serious diseases, i.e., creating  new blood vessels into heart muscle to prevent from bypass surgery , or releasing clogged vessel to prevent from leg amputations by injecting the genes muscularly. In the future, study in producing transgenic animals will cover wider species and wider human diseases.






Since structure of DNA molecule was discovered by Watson and Crick in 1953, research in molecular biology including DNA recombinant, manipulation of DNA and RNA has improved  from time to time. As the impact of the progresses, many breakthroughs could be made through molecular research to get more usefulness to human welfare.

As stated by BOYD and SAMID (1993), technology in molecular biology combines techniques and expertise from biochemistry, genetics, cell biology, developmental biology and microbiology to construct an umbrella of disciplines that provides the tools and concepts necessary to create transgenic animal.  

In biotechnology area, transgenic animals are just one in a series of developments. The creation of transgenic animals is resulting  in a shift from the use of higher order species to lower order species, and is also affecting the numbers of animal used. An example of the replacement of higher species by lower species is the possibility to develop disease models in mice rather than using dogs or non-human primates.

Transgenic animal has been pioneered in mice, transgenic mice have been successfully delivered to born in 1980 (GORDON et al., 1980; BRINSTER et al., 1981). A few years later, the results in other animals have been reported in rabbits, pigs, sheep and cattle (HAMMER et al., 1985; PURSEL et al., 1987; REXROAD et al., 1989 and ROSCHLAU et al., 1989).

There are many terminologies or definitions regarding Transgenic Animal.  One of them has been drawn from FELASA (September 1992, revised in February 1995). Term of a transgenic animal refers to “an animal in which there has been a deliberate modification of the genome (the material responsible for inherited characteristics)”. In World Book 2000, transgenic animal is also termed as an animal that was engineered to carry genes from other species (

Why it should be transgenic animal for human welfare ? There are at least two reasons for it. These are production efficiency of farm animals (1), and Molecular farming using livestock to produce medicines, human proteins and tissues for transplant to humans.


The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding of transgenic animals that recently is profound issued in scientific and general community. On the other hand, usefulness of transgenic animals to mankind has not been elucidated. All information prepared in this paper was drawn from references. This paper was prepared to fulfill requirements in attending a subject of Introduction to Philosophic Science (PPS 702). Therefore, the paper was presented with basic philosophy of Ontology, Epistemology, Axiology and Teleology which elucidating why transgenic animal is exist and what it is, how to create the transgenic animal, the benefits of transgenic animals and position of transgenic animals in the future, respectively. 





The principle of producing transgenic animal is introducing foreign DNA into the animal, using recombinant DNA technology, it must be transmitted into germ line, so that every cell, including germ cells of the animal contain the same modified genetic material (

Before elucidating the methods of producing transgenic animal, it is necessary to describe terms of transgene and transgenic that relates to the producing transgenic animals. A simple term of a transgene is described as transferred of constructed gene into the animal genome. The coded protein that produced by transgene is the transgenic product and animals that contain transgenes are transgenic. Genetic animals are therefore created when animals or offspring, transgenic lines or populations bring the transgenes materials.  

There are at least 3 methods in creation of transgenic animals:

a.               DNA microinjection

b.               Retrovirus-mediated gene transfer

c.                Embryonic stem cell-mediated gene transfer


1.      DNA microinjection

The first successful of gene transfer using DNA microinjection method was reported in mouse (GORDON et al., 1980). This method was reported as one of the first methods that proved to be effective in mammals (GORDON and RUDDLE, 1981). A method of the DNA microinjection consists of the direct microinjection of a desired gene construct (of a single gene or a combination of genes) in plasmid or in cosmids, from another member of the same species or from a different species into the pronucleus of a zygote ( The manipulated fertilized egg is then transferred to the recipient female. Before transferring to the recipient female, the manipulated egg needs to be cultured in vitro to meet an appropriate stage of embryo. The insertion of DNA is a random process, it could be over- or under-expression of certain genes or to the expression of genes entirely new to the animal species (CCAC, 1997). Therefore, the offspring born from introduced gene animal needs to be investigated whether they have integrated the gene construct. Methods of ‘Southern blot’ or ‘Dot blot’ hybridization are performed to ascertain the constructed gene. Since the success of producing transgenic animals is very low (2-3%), it would be efficient if multiply of transgenic animals can be made by cloning technique.   

In farm animals, DNA microinjection is the predominant method used to transfer gene into their genome. The method used in farm animals is the same as in a mouse, a slightly different technique is merely in making the pronuclei structure visible by using centrifugation than by hyaluronidase treatment as stated in a mouse.


    2. Retrovirus-mediated gene transfer

Retroviruses are commonly used as vectors to transfer genetic material into the host cell. The genetic material is subsequently integrated into the genome of the host cell. The host cell can fold in producing transgenic products (e.g., insulin). Transmission of transgene is possible only if the retroviruses integrate into some of the germ cells. In 1974, the first time was shown that inserted DNA has been found in the cells of adult mice after the blastocoel of mouse blastocyst had been injected by SV40 DNA (JAENISCH, 1974; JAENISCH and MINTZ, 1974). It was also reported that the transgene of the Mo-Mulv-provirus DNA has integrated into genome and passed on to offspring and built up to stable lines (JAENISCH, 1976; STUHLMANN et al., 1981).  

The success of this method in terms of live birth of animal containing the transgene is low. The expression of the transgene needs to be tested. When the transgene integrated into the germ cells, so called germ line chimeras are then inbred for 10 to 20 generations until the homozygous transgenic animals are established and the transgene is present in every cell (revealed from CCAC, 1997).

    3. Embryonic stem cell-mediated gene transfer

This method involves prior insertion of the desired DNA sequence by homologous recombination into an in vitro culture of embryonic stem (ES) cells. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that have the potential to differentiate into any type of cells (somatic or germ cells) and to give rise development. Cells containing the desired DNA are incorporated (through aggregation or injection) into an embryo. The stem cell is used as a vehicle to introduce new genes. An animal resulted by this method is so called a chimeric animal. This method has been adapted from CCAC (1997) and

In 1989, generation of transgenic mice and pigs was reported by using a technique of sperm-mediated gene transfer (LAVITRANO et al., 1989; GANDOLFI et al., 1989). This method was quite simple and efficient.




Several benefits can be picked up from the transgenic animals. It can be classified into three fields: Farm animal (1); Pharmaceutics and medicines (2) and Industry (3).

1. Farm animal Application

a.      In Breeding

Long before technologies in molecular biology were discovered, selective breeding was performed by selecting animals which have enhancement of chosen traits (e.g., increased milk production, high growth rate).  Once research in molecular biology has developed, a certain gene that responsible to chosen trait even foreign gene can be constructed then transferred to the generation or pedigree. These pedigrees that bring the transgene can be multiplied by cloning. Therefore, by using transgenic animals, the breeding program in farm animals can be performed  efficiently both in number of animals and shorten interval time. 


b.      Quality of animal products

In the past, using growth hormones for increasing the growth of animals was to be a problem, it was presumed that residue of hormones remain there. At present, using transgenic animals that bring transgene expression on tissue and developmental stage specificity is very important for a successful in industrial application. It can be understood because transgenic animals  will perform a misdirected expression of bovine growth factor (LEE et al., 1997). Transgenic animal that responsible for increasing growth and body composition has been conducted in pigs (HAMMER et al., 1985; VIZE et al., 1987) and in sheep (WARD et al., 1986).

A model of reducing lactose contents of milk has been made in the milk of transgenic sheep and cattle (MERCIER, 1987). This milk is consumed by  people who suffering from lactose intolerance.

Gene transfer in wool growth was also undertaken to create transgenic sheep (WARD et al., 1986).


c. Disease resistance

A very limited number of genes responsible to resistance of diseases in domestic animals. However, attempts have been made to produce influenza-resistant pigs through the transfer of three Mx-gene constructs (


2. Pharmaceutical and Medical Applications

a.   Xenotransplantation

The need of transplantation of hearts and kidneys has become routinely in past 20 years ago, about 5000 suitable organs were needed each year in United Kingdom and many patients died ( It was also reported that thousands of patients die every year before a replacement heart, liver or kidney becomes available. At present, it is possible to produce transgenic pigs that provide as sources of transplant organs, called xenotransplantation or xenogenic transplantation (HOAGLAND et al., 1997). At present, production of transgenic pigs have been directed to cope with the rejection of transplanted organs by adding human proteins that prevent immediate rejection of the transplanted heart or kidney (


b.  Cell Therapy

Intact cells are already used to treat patients suffering from a number of diseases including Leukemia and Parkinson’s disease ( 


c.  Human proteins

It has been possible to produce valuable proteins on a large scale in the milk of transgenic animals. a-lactalbumin: PPL Therapeutics (Blacksburg, VA and Edinburgh, UK) in collaboration with Wyeth-Ayerst (Philadelphia) has announced the first expression data for the production of human proteins in the milk of transgenic cows (E.T.S., 1997;  BLACKSBURG and WYETH-AVERST. 1997). First transgenic cow, Rosie, has born, with production of 2.4 g of human protein a-lactalbumin per milk, compared with 2.5-2.7 g found in human milk (E.T.S.,1997). This transgenic milk is more nutritionally balanced than bovine milk, and could be given to babies or the elderly with special nutrition or digestive needs (E.T.S.,1997; and


Phenylalanine-free form of b-lactalbumin: PPL therapeutics has also reported that the second transgenic cow will be created to produce phenylalanine-free form of a-lactalbumin for use as a nutritional supplement in people suffering from phenylketonuria (PKU), a debilitating disease or down syndrome disease which phenylalaline cannot be broken down into tyrocine due to lack of a certain gene for its synthesis (E.T.S., 1997 and  NOOR, 1996). Cattle transgenic for phenylalanine are now being investigated by PPL therapeutics, Edinburgh.


  1. Gene therapy

There are some reports of progressing in recovery of serious diseases by gene therapies (extracted from E.T.S., 1998). These are creating new blood vessels into heart of 60 years old man at New York Hospital. Another gene therapy has also been reported in a group of patients who have been hopelessly blocked blood vessels in their legs and have to be amputated. By intra muscular injecting of naked DNA strands coding for human vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), it has saved their legs.


3. Industrial Application

Enzyme products:

In mid-1998, most genetically engineered proteins were being manufactured in bioreactors so that billions of genetically modified microorganisms produce a wide variety of proteins   ( These proteins can produce enzymes for use to speed up industrial chemical reactions.




In the future, application of the transgenic animals techniques will be more important since transgenic animals could provide a large scale of agriculture, medical and industry products. These products will give more benefits to those respective industrial sectors. agricultural

Nuclear transfer provides a reliable way of producing transgenic animals by reducing the number of animals needed to establish each transgenic line. It only needs to reserve cloned embryos or cloned germ cells (sperm or eggs) that has been genetically-modified instead of maintaining the animals.

The need of transplant organs (xenotransplantation) can be supplied from transgenic models, investigations to improve the acceptance of implanted organs are being refined.

 In the long term, the number of animals used to study human diseases is reduced since a greater specificity of the transgenic models developed. On the other hand, a wider range of diseases could be investigated since methods in creating transgenic models have been improved from time to time. The use of some species may be wider.

All above brilliant progresses in Science and Technology need to be followed with the deepest of wishes that all developments are for human welfare to live in peace. It seems that responsibility, moral, ethic and religion of scientists play an important role in the application of their discoveries.




BLACKSBURG, V.A. and WYETH-AVERST. 1997. Transgenic cow produce human protein. Nature.


BOYD, A.L. and D. SAMID. 1993. Review: Molecular Biology of Transgenic Animals. Journal of Anmal Science 7 (suppl. 3): 1-9


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GANDOLFI, F., M. LAVITRANO, A. CAMAIONI, C. SPADAFORA, G. SIRACUSA and A. LAURIA. 1989. The use of sperm-mediated gene transfer for the generation of transgenic pigs. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility. Abstract Series 4: 10


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