Re-edited 20 December, 2000


Copyright ©  2000  Aris Toharisman

Makalah  Falsafah Sains (PPs 702)

Program Pasca Sarjana

Institut Pertanian Bogor


Dosen:  Prof Dr Ir Rudy C Tarumingkeng







Aris Toharisman


Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia




    Since several years ago the research program in very small semiconductor structures having dimension smaller than 0.1 micrometer has been initiated.  The first advancement was achieved by microelectronics industries when they developed in manufacturing and machining silicon materials at the nano scale (10-9 m) or atomic scale (Laval et al., 1995).    As the technology called nanotechnology seems to offer an unprecedented combination of scientific excitement and potential practical utility, it now has become the most challenging  technology.

   Nanotechnology is defined as a “discipline in which the purpose is to build devices and structures having every atom in the proper place” (Kaehler, 1994).  The resulting materials can be rationally designed to exhibit novel and significantly improved optical, biological, chemical, mechanical, and electrical properties. Since all objects in the world are composed of atoms, the use of this technology may create various products obeying physical and chemical law. Therefore,  nanotechnology is likely to  become the technology of choice for  many areas including biotechnology in the next few decades (Goldin et al.


Biological Systems

   Biological systems are slightly different with physical processes in which nanotechnology has been used. Kaehler (1994) contends that biological systems are mainly based on diffusion of soft substances rather than forced assembly of rigid parts, but they are still parallels with nanotechnology.   Many biological  processes may be recog-nized as natural nanostructure machines whose actions are partly mechanical (Table 1).

Enzymes, for example, can be regarded as small machines whose reactions are catalyzed by the reactants held in specific positions; the bacteria flagella can be compared with electromechanical machines. They can be analyzed in much the same way with non-biological structures. They could be engineered, manipulated and manufactured and also possible to be exploited in nanostructure design and development (Laval et al., 1995; Kaehler, 1994; Murphy et al., 1994; Fahy, 1993).

Laval et al. (1995)  suggests that  the use of nanotechnology  focusing on manipulating individual cell or molecule will develop molecular-scale processes on biotechnology such as nanobioreactors. Biotechnological concept has one useful characteristic that is the ability of self-replication.   Cells and molecules are capable of making of copies of their selves.   These phenomena will be interesting in terms of economical aspects and perhaps may promote the emerging of biotechnology.


Table 1. Biological Counterparts of Machine Components (Drexler, 1992)



              Macroscopic Devices                         Cellular/Molecular Analog



                 Cables                                                       Collagen

                 Pumps                                                       Membrane Proteins

                 Containers, pipelines                                  Vesicles, endoplasmic reticulum

                 Conveyor belts                                          Axoplasmic flow

                 Rotary motors, bearings                             Flagellar electrostatic motor

         Memory: ROM, RAM                               DNA, mRNA

                 Robotics assembly lines                              mRNA + ribosomes



Protein Engineering

   Protein is one of the most important substances in biotechnology and   involves in much of the progress in biotechnology research and development. Nature has created a diverse of proteins that fold into unique structures to do specific biochemical functions such as enzymatic catalysis, coordinated motions,  mechanical supports, immune protections, and so on.  Unfortunately, in nature proteins are built blindly and they are evolving by a process of mutation and selection. The process takes much time and seems to be inefficient. The folding is difficult to predict and design because individual amino acids have no strong natural complementarity (Anthonsen et al., 1994; Drexler, 1999).  In order to broaden their functions, creating and modifying new proteins should be carried out.  

   Protein engineering has been used to design and constructs of novel proteins that can be utilized at extreme conditions like high temperature,  pH and salt (Arnold, 1993). It has been exploited to analyze of structure-function relationship.   For example, the technique  has been utilized to study the structure-activity relationship of aspartate aminotransferase.  Moreover, it was employed to manipulate properties of proteins such as to engineer radical changes in specificity of lactate dehydrogenase and trypsin, to produce a small enhancement of the carboxylase/oxigenase for rubisco and to explore possibilities in enzyme evolution using triose-phosphate isomerase (Fersht and Winter, 1992). Protein engineering has also been used to synthesize  antibodies, hemoglobin and insulin.

   However, the predicting structures from sequence and activity from structure of high molecular proteins are  not still understood very well.    This is primarily due to the low degree of protein geometry precessions (Fersht and Winter, 1992; Ponder and Richards, 1987). Arnold (1993) thus  suggests that the most effective approach to a particular protein engineering  is to understand the protein structures at  the molecular basis level.

Proximal   Probes

   Most protein structures are determined by X-ray crystallography.  This method may give structures of atomic resolution, but requires the stable high quality crystals.  Many proteins, nonetheless, are very difficult to be crystallized (Anthonsen et al., 1994).  Accordingly, the efforts in exploitation design principles for protein structure and function should be further investigated.

   The scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and the atomic force microscope (AFM) termed the scanning probe microscopes (SPMs) have become important tools in biotechnological works including the design of proteins. Scanning probe microscopes employ very sharp probes in close proximity to a surface to examine a particular surface-related property.  In the STM, this property is local conductivity, whereas in the AFM local topography is sampled (Roberts et al., 1994; Merkle, 1999).  They are capable of imaging surface with high resolution and  can be used to move and position atoms and  molecules precisely with or without the presence of specific added molecular markers. Molecular resolution images have been reported for a range of biomolecules including proteins, lipids, nucleic acids and biomedical polymers.  The microscopes can be used to observe the motion of individual protein molecules and the movement of enzymes during catalysis (Laval et al., 1995;  Roberts et al., 1994).

     The SPMs  have been carried out in aqueous media mainly  electrolyte solution,  resulting in increase the stability and reduce the alteration of biological materials. For example, the exocytosis of a fox virus from living cell has been observed by AFM in a liquid environment.   In contrast, the use of traditional imaging and surface-analysis techniques requires  dissolving  proteins in organic solvents.  It will alter the macroscopic dielectric constant and lead to a much less pronounced difference between the interior and exterior static dielectric behavior.  Protein function in such media may be altered and is poorly understood (Anthonsen et al., 1994).

          Furthermore,  the SPMs can drive  reactions.  The tips of the STM can act as a catalyst and can be oriented to bring an active site of enzymes contact with substrate. It also can be utilized to bind one molecule to another such as receptors and ligand, antibodies and antigens, complementary strands of DNA, streptavidin and biotin (Ragona, 1995; Cooper, 1999; Heinz and Hoh, 1999). One reagent can be brought together to catalyze reactions at precisely determined locations (Fahy, 1993). 

   Therefore, the use of these microscopes can help in creating proteins at the nanometer scale and describing protein structures cells completely and perhaps the engineering problem of designing new proteins can be simplified.  Fahy (1993) says that the use of proximal probes will “open the door  to previously unthinkable accomplishments”.

Future Prospects

   The protein structures are determined and mapped by SPMs and then used as a basis structure for template, a list of sequence derived from a prototype structure.    As soos as template has been identified, and an alignment between this template and a sequence has been defined, a 3-D model of the new and novel protein can be generated at atomic precise.  Finally, the bulks of proteins, peptides or enzymes will be created and can be utilized for different purposes. This approach has been succeeded to make  cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogense based on the structure of alcohol dehydrogenase (Anthonsen, 1994).

   Immobilize molecule techniques. Most of biotechnological methods depend on interaction between molecules such as affinity chromatography, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), solid-phase synthesis and nucleic acid sequencing.  Nanotechnology can be employed to control the interaction by physically controlling their proximity, rather than relying on random encounters in three-D space, resulting in novel  various of immobilized molecules.  It is possible to work with single biomolecules or to control a bi-molecular interaction which can not be done today (Laval et al., 1995).      

   The surface coverage and  functionality of antibodies can be increased  by linking with a high affinity substance. One example process done by this approach is the linking biotinnylated antiferrin antibodies streptavidin-coated polyester surface resulting in dramatically of surface coverage and functional states (Roberts, 1994).

   Novel Proteins. Nanotechnology is now used to build proteins in defined instructions (Goodsell, ).  New proteins having  specific functions can be built by transferring entire domains from one protein to another.  One  enzyme, for example, has been joined to the antigen-binding domains of antibodies to make enzymes that can target blood clots or tumors.  Adhesion molecules (CD4) joined to the Fc region of antibodies can block HIV infection of T-cells (Fersht and Winter, 1992).

   The antigen-binding in antibodies are fashioned by  six loops, three from the heavy chains variable domain and three from the light chain variable domain.  The loops are highly variable in sequence, allowing a great diversity of shapes for binding to different antigens, and are supported on a b-sheet frame wok.  Indeed, by transplanting the loops from one antibody to another it is possible to transfer the antigen-binding site of a rodent antibody and create reshaped human antibodies for therapy purposes.

   Drexler (1999) has proposed the use of artificially design proteins in which the simultaneous use of many stabilization techniques produces a protein that is much more stable than naturally occuring proteins.

   Enzyme Production. Many kinds of enzymes working in unnatural conditions can be built.  Proteases, for instance, have been widely used in lot of industries. It is about 600 tones of proteases per annum are produced for use in soap powder, food, and leather industries.  The replacement of methionine side chain will make its resistance to oxidation.  The substitution residues found in homologous thermopiles will make it more thermostable (Fehrst and Winter, 1992).  The small and stable peptide motifs bound to a catalytic site of enzymes can improve their function  for heuristic purposes.

   Scientists at Cornell University have engineered at nano-scale of a molecule  ATPase enzyme coupled to a metallic substrate which can ran for 40 minutes at 3 to 4 revolutions per second. The enzim is found in the membranes of mitochondria as well as chloroplasts and is responsible for converting food to usable energy (

Many other projects on nano-scale machines  have been developed such as   the use of large-scale molecular dynamics techniques for making novel polymer, modified leucine zipper motifs as a critical element in artificial gels that can be switched on by changing pH or temperature and  computer structures for  DNA sequences construction (Goddard et al.

   In short, nanotechnology offer the possibility of biotechnological works varying in structures and functions and so it is undoubtedly that the application of nanotechnology (enhanced by scanning probe microscopes) will bring a great impact in biotechnology.





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Arnold, F.H.  1993.  Engineering Protein for Nonnatural Environments.  FASEB Journal. Vol. 7:744-749.


Cooper, J.M. 1999.  Toward Electronic Petri Dishes and Picolitre-Scale Single Cell Technologies. TIBTECH. Vol 17 (6): 226-230.


Drexler, E.K., Paterson, C., and Pergamit, G.  1992.  Unbounding the Future: The Nanotechnology Revolution.  Simon & Schuster, London.


Drexler, E.K. 1999.  Building Molecular Machine Systems. TIBTECH. Vol 17 (1): 5-7.


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Kaehler, T.  1994.  Nanotechnology: Basic Concepts and Definitions.  Clinical Chemistry. Vol. 40, No.9. p: 1797-1799. TIBTECH. Vol 17 (1): 5-7.


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Merkle, R.C. 1999.  Biotechnology as A Route to Nanotechnology. TIBTECH. Vol 17 (7): 271-274.


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